About Synergy Health & Wellness

Diana Panrucker

Diana completed a Bachelor of Health Science degree specializing in Clinical Nutrition with Endeavour Collage of Natural Medicine, and an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy through the Australian Institute of Advanced Sciences. She has since gained extensive clinical experience treating a diversity of health conditions while practicing at health retreats, multiple modality clinics, specialty clinics such as The Lucy Rose Clinic, as well as several years in private practice. 

Diana utilizes evidence-based herbal medicine and nutritional compounds to formulate customized treatment programs based on individual requirements. She is highly skilled at interpreting pathology results which combined with clinical examination, medical history, and symptoms, leads to accurate assessment, successful protocols, and optimal results. 

Diana’s passion and desire to help others is driven by her own personal health journey that included managing and overcoming several autoimmune conditions. She understands that life can present as an obstacle coarse and has made it her mission to educate, inspire, empower and equip her patients to achieve their health goals.  

Diana is a registered member of Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA), and Nutritional consultations are covered by various ARHG health funds including Medibank. Please check with your health fund prior to booking your appointment. 
